Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Agape Love

unconditional love
The third and highest type of love is "agape", or unconditional love.
Agape love is above philos love and eros love. It is a love that is totally selfless, where a person gives out love to another person even if this act does not benefit her/him in any way. Whether the love given is returned or not, the person continues to love (even without any self-benefit).
Say, you help out a person, even though that person hates you and curses you. Or you take insults from your partner without hitting back, all the while forgiving and praying for your partner to amend her/his ways. Or the famed "unconditional love" that a mother has for her child (her child will always be the most beautiful child in the world to her, even with a face only a mother could love!).
Or the love we show our parents, taking care of them and helping them in their old age. Just like they took care of us when we were young, it is done with or without benefit in return.
However, the highest type of agape love is not human at all, but divine - God's unconditional love for us, His children.
God's love was shown to us the most when God the Father sent His one and only Son, Jesus Christ to his suffering and death on the cross for our salvation. There is no greater

Philos Love

a love based on friendship between two people.
It is true that two lovers that start out by being friends first before becoming partners usually are the relationships that last more, long-term.
Friendship is the foundation of a successful relationship. This is true whether it is marriage, or boyfriend-girlfriend, relationship betweeen family members, relationship with co-workers, employer, etc.
In the case of a man-woman romantic relationship, the advantage is you get to know each other first, before committing to a more serious relationship above friendship.
You start out as friends, then admire each other, then possibly strong emotions can suddenly appear over time and you both realize you miss each other more. It takes time, and is patient (love is patient, love is kind!).
This is in contrast to a man-woman romantic relationship which starts out by "eros love", meaning you get attracted by physical/mental traits alone. Strong emotions start almost immediately (some would even say "love at first sight"), though you do not even know each other that much.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Eros:Beauty and Sexuality

this love is romantic ,erotic lover focus on beauty and physical attractive ,sometimes to the exclusion of qualities we might consider more important and more enduring.furthermore,the erotic lover has and idealized image of beauty that is unattainable in reality.consequently,the erotic lover erotic lover often feels untulfilled.erotic lovers are particulary sensitive to physical imperfections in there beloveds a nose that is too long,a complexion that is blimished,a figure that is a bit too full,and so on.and this is one reason why the erotic lover wants to experience the entire person as quickly in the relationship as possible. 

Pragma:Practical and traditional

The pregma lover is the practical lover who seeks relationship that will work pragma lover seeks compatibility an a relationship in which there important needs and desire will be satisfied computer matching services seem based largely on pragmatic love.the computer matches person on the basis of similar interests,attitudes,personality  characters tics,religion, political ,hobbies and a host of likes and dislikes.
             in this love lovers love too much and expect the same.......

Mania:elation and depression

The qulaty of mania that separates it from all others is its extremes of highs and lows,of ups and down .the manic lover loves intensely and at the same time intensely worries about and fears the losss of the love . This intense fear precents the manic lover in many cases from deriving as much pleasure as  might be derived from the relationship .At the slightest provocation , for example , the manic lover experiences extreme jealiously.Manic love is obesssive ;the manic lver has to possess the beloved completely- in all ways, at all times.In return the manic lover wishes to be possessed, to be loved intensely.

Storge:peaceful and slow

like ludic ,storge lacks passion and intensity.but whereas that ludic lover is aware of passion but keeps it under control ,that storgic  lover  is unaware of any intensity of feeling .The storgic lover does not set out to find a lover but to establish a Stormie relation ship with someone whom he or she knows and with whom he or she shares interests and activities .
                                                   storg relationships lack passion and intensity:perhaps this is one of the reons why they are often more long lasting.

Ludus:Entertainment and Excitement

Ludus love is experienced as a game.the ludus lover sees love is fun,a game to the played.the better he or she can play the game,the more the loved is the ludic lover,love is not to be taken too seriously,emotions are to be held in check lest they get out of hand and make trouble ,assions never rise to the point at which they get out of control.ludic love is self controlled love-a love that the lover carefully manages and controls rather than allowing it to control him or har.
the ludic lover retains a partener only so longas the partner is interesting and amusing.